
The Ultimate Western USA Road Trip Travel Guide


I’ve documented every single step of my journey, everything from picking the RV, packing, to where we stayed at and what we ate. I’ve made sure to keep track of the most exciting hikes and trails, when to do them, what you need for them, driving time and much more.


So many people dream of doing a West Coast road trip, and I wanted to make that dream a reality. At the same time, we all know how aggravating it can be to have to decide on exactly when to do what and what the itinerary will be, especially with a group. All the annoying, tedious steps have been taken care of, and you’re free to gather your friends and hit the road the very next day. I’ve even included the exact route on Google Maps that we used.


This 74 page road trip guide will be your best friend throughout the whole adventure.



I bet you’ve seen at least one photo of the Grand Canyon that has taken your breath away. America is blessed with incredible sights, nature has created some of its finest artwork for us to marvel at. It’s no surprise that Yellowstone became the first national park worldwide, with its otherworldly sights and unique, iconic wildlife and landscape. This was the first stretch of land that made humans decide it’s so precious, we must make laws to protect it. And as much as these beauties entice us, sometimes we forget just how lucky we are to be able to go and explore them. The pandemic served as a reminder for me, and turned a curse into a blessing. After having to rethink my travel plans, I was able to look at what treasure was lying in plain sight – the stunning beauty of my homeland. This led me to make a journey of a lifetime, and I wanted to take you with me.


You’ve probably always dreamed of going to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Zion, Glacier National Park. These iconic places define the idea of beauty of America’s nature. They are also a part of the stops we made on our 21-day road trip through the West Coast. Enjoying the hikes, canons, trails and hoodoos was something that had a huge impact on me. I can say I’ve made some of my most treasured memories, and seen some of the most fascinating sights. If this is something you’ve always dreamed of too, I have some exciting news for you.


I’ve documented every single step of my journey, everything from picking the RV, packing, to where we stayed at and what we ate. I’ve made sure to keep track of the most exciting hikes and trails, when to do them, what you need for them, driving time and much more. So many Americans dream of making the ultimate West Coast road trip, and I wanted to make that dream a reality. At the same time, we all know how aggravating it can be to have to decide on exactly when to do what and what the itinerary will be, especially with a group. All the annoying, tedious steps have been taken care of, and you’re free to gather your friends and hit the road the very next day. I’ve even included the exact route on Google Maps that we used. This 74 page road trip guide will be your best friend throughout the whole adventure.


I can personally tell you I wish there was something like this available to me when I started this trip. Even though it’s 21 days long, the most time-consuming part was planning everything. It’s no easy task trying to decide on where to camp or what to see. That’s why I wanted to make this guide, because I don’t want the drawn-out process of creating an itinerary to stop anyone from seeing these world-renowned sights. There’s no reason to debate with your friends over where to eat, when you can be enjoying yourselves.


If this road trip has been on your or your friend group’s bucket list for a while, now’s the time to make it happen. You’ll be loving every single moment, and creating memories for a lifetime. The guide is also completely customizable to your needs, as you can tailor it depending on how much time you have. I want to give you the possibility to take this adventure from fiction to reality, and fall in love with America’s nature all over again, while having the time of your life. I’m really glad I took the step to do it, because I know how many people have always dreamed of it, but never find the time. That’s why I urge you to not miss out, because our wishes become out of reach far too easily if we don’t chase them. I sincerely hope you don’t let your ambitions sit unattended, and listen to them – because doing something you’ve always wanted to do is the best feeling in the world!


Are you excited? Click here to find out more about this 74 page long guide, filled with all the information you will ever need. The experience of a lifetime is here, don’t hesitate to take it!


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